Publications by type
Peer-reviewed journal articlesMarila, M. 2024. Rocky legacies of Finnish anti-uranium mining social movements: The rock art of Pessi Manner. Lähihistoria: Finnish Journal of Contemporary History 3(2), 32–61.
Marila, M. 2024. Suomalaisen ydinvoimavastaisuuden perintöarkeologiaa. Muinaistutkija 41(2), 5–24. Sørensen, T.F., Marila, M. & Beck, A.S. 2024. The mandate for speculation: Responding to uncertainty in archaeological thinking. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 0(0), 1–16. Marila, M. & Ilves, K. 2023. ‘Perspectives in Maritime Archaeology’: Challenging popular perceptions through online learning. Public Archaeology 21(1–4), 34–49. Marila, M. 2022. A theoretically committed archaeology is a civilised archaeology. Norwegian Archaeological Review 55(1), 78–80. Ilves, K. & Marila, M. 2021. Finnish maritime archaeology through its publications. Internet Archaeology 56. Marila, M. & Ilves, K. 2021. Maritime archaeology in Finland: History and future tasks. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 16(3), 333–351. Marila, M. 2019. Slow science for fast archaeology. Current Swedish Archaeology 27, 93–114. Marila, M. 2018. Finnish reactions to New Archaeology. Fennoscandia archaeologica 35, 19–47. Marila, M. 2017. Vagueness and archaeological interpretation. A sensuous approach to archaeological knowledge formation through finds analysis. Norwegian Archaeological Review 50(1), 66–88. |
Peer-reviewed book chaptersMarila, M. & Andreoletti, T. 2025. YELLOWCAKE: A performative (an)archaeology of uranium. In Shadow Archaeology: For Other Modes of Archaeological Worldmaking, edited by A. Nativ & G. Lucas. Archaeological Orientations. London: Routledge.
Benjamin, J. & Marila, M. 2024. The past as palette. In Beyond Academic Publics: Conversations about Scholarly Collaborations with Cultural Institutions, edited by A. Kaun & J. Velkova, pp. 103–114. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. Marila, M. 2023. Musings on pure play. In Miscellanea: A Cabinet of Curiosities, edited by T.F. Sørensen, pp. 36–45. Copenhagen: The Hub for Speculative Fabulations upon Incidental Observations. Marila, M. & Ilves, K. 2023. Maritime archaeology at the University of Helsinki. In Celebrating 100 Years of Archaeology at the University of Helsinki: Past, Present and Future, edited by L. Kunnas, M. Marila, V. Heyd, E. Holmqvist, K. Ilves, A. Lahelma & M. Lavento, pp. 225–236. Iskos 27. Helsinki: Finnish Antiquarian Society. Ilves, K., Leppäsalko, M. & Marila, M. 2022. Representations of maritime archaeology in two national newspapers of Finland: a comparative perspective between Helsingin Sanomat and Hufvudstadsbladet. In Odes to Mika. Festschrift for Professor Mika Lavento on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, edited by P. Halinen, V. Heyd & K. Mannermaa, pp. 241–247. Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 10. Helsinki: The Archaeological Society of Finland. Tuominen, S. & Marila, M. 2022. I shed tears, left, and forgot. The common frog, mosquitoes, and Grandmother Pine stayed. In Heritage Ecologies, edited by T.R. Bangstad & Þ. Pétursdóttir, pp. 369–380. London: Routledge. Marila, M. 2020. On the nature of the aesthetic in (an) art/archaeology. In Ineligible: A Disruption of Artefacts and Artistic Practice, edited by D.W. Bailey, S. Navarro & Á. Moreira, pp. 105–121. Santo Tirso: International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture Santo Tirso. Marila, M. 2020. Da natureza da estética em (uma) arte/arqueologia. In Ineligible: A Disruption of Artefacts and Artistic Practice, edited by D.W. Bailey, S. Navarro & Á. Moreira, pp. 104–120. Santo Tirso: Museu Internacional de Escultura Contemporânea de Santo Tirso. Marila, M. 2019. Empiricism. In The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, edited by S.L. Lopéz Varela, pp. 598–601. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Marila, M. 2015. Pragmaticism – the new possibility of a scientific archaeology as seen in the light of the history of archaeology. In Today I Am Not the One I Was Yesterday: Archaeology, Identity, and Change. Papers from the Fourth Theoretical Seminar of the Baltic Archaeologists (BASE), Archaeology and Identity, Held at the University of Helsinki, Finland, October 8th–10th, 2009, and the Fifth Theoretical Seminar, Archaeology Today: Things To Be Changed, Held at the University of Tartu, October 27th–29th, 2011, edited by A. Haak, V. Lang & M. Lavento, pp. 197–217. Tartu and Helsinki: University of Tartu. Marila, M. 2014. Things in action – Interpreting the meanings of things in archaeology. In Sounds Like Theory. XII Nordic Theoretical Archaeology Group in Oulu 25.-28.4.2012, edited by A.-K. Salmi, T. Äikäs & J. Ikäheimo, pp. 9–20. Monographs of the Archaeological Society of Finland 2. The Helsinki: Archaeological Society of Finland. Marila, M. 2012. Human remains as quasi-objects. Kontaktstencil 47, 6–11. |
BooksBenjamin, J. & Marila, M. 2024. Abstracts. Woodstock, NY: The Center for the Study of the Relationship Between Words and Stones.
Skill, K., Klaubert, H., Marila, M. & Novac, S. 2024. Interdisciplinarity: A Very Incomplete Dictionary to Be Used as a Teaching Resource in Thematic Studies in Technology and Social Change. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. Kunnas, L., Marila, M., Heyd, V., Holmqvist, E., Ilves, K., Lahelma, A. & Lavento, M. (ed.) 2023. Celebrating 100 Years of Archaeology at the University of Helsinki: Past, Present and Future. Iskos 27. Helsinki: Finnish Antiquarian Society. Marila, M. & Ilves, K. 2020. Long-term Degree Program Success in Maritime Archaeology. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. Marila, M., Ahola, M., Mannermaa, K. & Lavento, M. (ed.) 2020. Archaeology and Analogy. Papers from the Eighth Theoretical Seminar of the Baltic Archaeologists (BASE), Held at the University of Helsinki and Tvärminne Zoological Station, Hanko, Finland, November 30th–December 2nd, 2017. Helsinki: The Archaeological Society of Finland. Pohjola, J., Turunen, J., Lipping, T., Sivula, A. & Marila, M. 2019. Historical Perspectives to Postglacial Uplift. Case Studies from the Lower Satakunta Region. Chamonix: Springer. Journal articlesMarila, M. & Ilves, K. 2022. Tukholman Vrak-museo on vaatimaton esitys Itämeren vedenalaisesta kulttuuriperinnöstä. Muinaistutkija 1, 34–40.
Marila, M. 2020. Lektio: Johdattelevia huomioita arkeologian spekulatiiviseen tieto-oppiin. Muinaistutkija 2, 70–73. Marila, M. 2018. Arkeologialla on spekulatiivinen vastuu. Muinaistutkija 2, 52–55. Marila, M. 2018. Eighth Theoretical Seminar of the Baltic Archaeologists Helsingissä ja Hangossa 30.11.–2.12.2017. Muinaistutkija 1, 63–67. Marila, M. 2013. Abduktiivinen päättely arkeologiassa: arkeologian epistemologiasta sen historian ja nykytilanteen valossa. Muinaistutkija 3, 45–63. Marila, M. 2012. Mitä menneisyydestä voidaan tietää? Synteesi 2, 44–46. Marila, M. 2012. Mielen ja aineen suhteesta sekä evoluutiosta filosofiassa ja arkeologiassa. Muinaistutkija 1, 60–68. Marila, M. 2012. Arkeologian filosofisia nykysuuntauksia. Fiba 4, 6–11. Marila, M. 2012. Esineiden paluu! Fiba 3, 9–13. Marila, M. 2011. Arkeologian metaforat ja menneisyyde(llisyyde)n kokeminen. Synteesi 1, 55–60. Marila, M. 2011. Arkeologisesta tiedosta, totuudesta ja tulkinnasta sekä teorian ja aineiston suhteesta arkeologiassa. Muinaistutkija 1, 35–39. Marila, M. 2011. Pro gradu -tutkimus autenttisuuden käsitteestä arkeologiassa. Tiivistelmä. Arkeologiassa tohisee 12(2), 24–25. Marila, M. 2011. Maisterina olemisen sietämätön keveys. Fiba 3, 5. Marila, M. 2011. Mitä se tuo mieleeni. Fiba 1, 16–17. Marila, M. 2010. Arkisto-otteita. Arkeologiassa tohisee 10(4), 22. Marila, M. 2010. Relocating cultural evolution: Towards a melioristic paradigm of love in archaeology. Fiba 2, 28–31. Marila, M. 2010. Museovirasto julkaisi SuMu-palvelun. Arkeologiassa tohisee 7(1), 30–31. Marila, M. 2010. Filosofis-arkeologinen Klubi. Arkeologiassa tohisee 7(1), 23. Marila, M. 2010. Valearkeologi hoiti kulttuuriperintöä kuukausien ajan Helsingissä. Fiba 1, 33. Marila, M. 2010. Homoseksuaalisuuden arkeologiaa – kommentti Ranisen Samille. Fiba 1, 20–22. Marila, M. 2009. Haudatut salaisuudet – arkeologisen tiedon mahdollisuudesta. Arkeologiassa tohisee 6, 4–6. Marila, M. 2009. Mesoerotiikkaa eli mesolitikum semieroottisena kokemuksena. Arkeologiassa tohisee 5, 31. Marila, M. 2009. Majan ammoisen oloista – majojen arkeologiaa. Arkeologiassa tohisee 5, 2–4. Marila, M. 2009. Laki Museovirastosta. Arkeologiassa tohisee 4, 31. Marila, M. 2009. Arkeologisten entiteettien identiteetistä. Arkeologiassa tohisee 4, 6–7. Marila, M. 2009. Arkeologisten artefaktien metafysiikasta. Arkeologiassa tohisee 3, 2–5. Marila, M. 2009. Kokeilevaa arkeologiaa. Fiba 3, 24–25. Marila, M. 2009. Ihmisjäänteiden esineydestä. Varelia 1, 12–16. Published manuscriptsMarila, M. & Sørensen, T.F. 2020. Between the facts: Speculation in the history of archaeological thinking. In Marila, M. 2020. Introductory Notes to a Speculative Epistemology of Archaeology. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
Electronic publicationsMarila, M. 2024. Pessi Manner ja Uraanivapaa Suomi. Kulttuurilehti Mustekala.
Marila, M. 2024. Luonto vastaa (2006). Changing Natures: Collecting the Anthropocene Together. Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle & Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Marila, M. 2024. Memorial to Selfishness. The Otter–La Loutre. NiCHE: Network in Canadian History & Environment. Marila, M., Klaubert, H., Novac, S., Sievers, A., Öhnfeldt, R. & Storm, A. 2024. Nuclear Natures: A Concept Explored in Six Briefs. NiCHE: Network in Canadian History & Environment. Marila, M. 2022. Viaton leikki. Humanistina Porissa: Turun yliopiston Digitaalisen kulttuurin, maiseman ja kulttuuriperinnön tutkinto-ohjelman opiskelijoiden, henkilökunnan ja yhteistyökumppaneiden näkemyksiä kulttuurista, yhteiskunnasta ja yliopistoelämästä. Pori: University of Turku. Marila, M. 2022. Queerin’ the Hoggee. Research Catalogue. Society for Artistic Research. Marila, M. 2021. Musings on pure play. Research Catalogue. Society for Artistic Research. Marila, M. 2013. Turning to things – ontology, epistemology, and a case of metaphorism. Ruin Memories. Marila, M. 2012. On objects and habits. Archaeolog: Studio Michael Shanks. Marila, M. 2010. Mikä on laivalatomus? Kalmistopiiri. Book chaptersMarila, M. & Kunnas, L. 2023. Foreword. In Celebrating 100 Years of Archaeology at the University of Helsinki: Past, Present and Future, edited by L. Kunnas, M. Marila, V. Heyd, E. Holmqvist, K. Ilves, A. Lahelma & M. Lavento, pp. 6–7. Iskos 27. Helsinki: Finnish Antiquarian Society.
Marila, M. 2020. Introduction. In Archaeology and Analogy. Papers from the Eighth Theoretical Seminar of the Baltic Archaeologists (BASE), Held at the University of Helsinki and Tvärminne Zoological Station, Hanko, Finland, November 30th–December 2nd, 2017, edited by M. Marila, M. Ahola, K. Mannermaa & M. Lavento, pp. 7–11. Helsinki: The Archaeological Society of Finland. Book reviewsMarila, M. 2021. Book Review: Rethinking Historical Time, New Approaches to Presentism. Norwegian Archaeological Review 54(1–2), 103–105.
Marila, M. 2013. Gavin Lucas: Understanding the Archaeological Record. Fennoscandia archaeologica 30, 133–135. Marila, M. 2013. Ian Hodder: Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationships Between Humans and Things. Norwegian Archaeological Review 46(1), 121–123. Marila, M. 2010. Lähimenneisyyden arkeologiaa. Kirja-arvostelu: Contemporary archaeologies – excavating now. Holtorf, Cornelius ja Piccini, Angela (toim.). Muinaistutkija 3, 54–56. Opinion piecesTuominen, S. & Marila, M. 2020. Kansallismuseon lisärakennus uhkaa tuhota kulttuurihistoriallisesti arvokkaan sisäpihan. Helsingin Sanomat 15 June 2020.
ThesesMarila, M. 2020. Introductory Notes to a Speculative Epistemology of Archaeology. PhD thesis. University of Helsinki.
Marila, M. 2011. Archaeology and Authenticity. Master’s thesis. University of Helsinki. Marila, M. 2009. Kaarinan Kirkkomäen haudan 37 hammasaineisto (An osteological analysis of the human dental remains of an Iron Age inhumation burial from southwestern Finland). Bachelor’s thesis. University of Turku. |